The Generosity of the Community Makes it Possible for us to Serve.


Communities In Cooperation accepts financial contributions via Paypal to fund programming enhancements for at-risk youth and formerly incarcerated women and their children. Supporting the future of our organization's efforts is as simple as clicking on the donation button below.
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Without our funders, Communities In Cooperation could not have accomplished its unprecedented services to the communities in the areas of Youth Development, Strengthening Families and Reentry Empowerment Services.

Abbot Lab­o­ra­to­ries Lin­den Pub­lic Schools
Pre­ven­tion Links Lin­den
State of NJ DHS McFar­land and Assoc­iates
Roselle First Newark
Union YSC Merck
Casey Fam­ily Pro­grams The Nichol­son Foun­da­tion
Eliz­a­beth Pub­lic Schools NJISJ
State Of NJ OFBI Pas­cale Sykes Foun­da­tion
United Way of Greater Union County


A Union County Faith-Based Partnership and an Essex County Faith-Based Partnership

CIC was established by faith based leaders in 2004 and partners with more than 50 houses of worship representing a diversity of faiths. Since 2004, GET CONNECTED has been engaged in a strategic planning process to identify critical community issues to address Union County and Essex County separately. GET CONNECTED also provides forums to address community issues, training & awareness session, they mobilize resources and learn about community resource connection and how to navigate systems to meet the community needs.

For each county, GET CONNECTED provides a faith-based infrastructure of support for faith-based and other nonprofits engaging in community outreach services and connects faith-based to services to meet the needs of their congregations and communities served. GET CONNECTED seeks to address community problems that transcend racial, economic and cultural boundaries. Our efforts will seek to enhance faith based organization's ability to solve community problems. Our goal is to be a major force in being more innovative, creative and resourceful in building organizational capacity to work toward their coalition's goals. CIC has built its services based on the coalitions recommendations and serves youth, families and the formerly incarcerated (with a focus on juveniles and women's reentry) collaborating with its faith-based partners. CIC epitomizes 'team work makes the dream work' for our faith-based and community partners. The coalitions in Union and Essex Counties meet quarterly. To find out more about the GET CONNECTED coalition, contact us here.